Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Great Wall of China - 600 Words

The Great Wall of China is an assemblage of smaller walls built by various dynasties over many years. Builders erected these walls for protection from invasions by those from the north. The Great Wall itself, with a history lasting over 2000 years, measures approximately 5,500 miles in length, although some of the sections lie in ruin or have disappeared altogether. It is about 25 feet high and is 15-30 feet wide. It is the longest man-made structure in the world. In the 7th century B.C. the first of the smaller walls were constructed. Few of these remain today, but they were the starting point of what became the Great Wall of China. The first emperor to have the various lengths of walls joined together was Qin Shi Huang, whose dynasty†¦show more content†¦For those who wish to explore without many tourists surrounding them, The Nan Pass, at the southern part of the Juyongguan section, is for them. It is known for its Cloud Platform, built during the Yuan Dynasty. This watchtower is made of white marble, with Buddhist writings and statues of gods on either side of the doorway. About 45 miles from Beijing is the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall. Although it is older than some of the other passes are, it looks nearly the same as it did centuries ago. It is known for its large number of watchtowers. In this 1 ½-mile section, there are more than 20 towers, with three of them connected by a tunnel inside the wall. Those who do not enjoy going through tunnels may enjoy using the overhead cable car to view the beautiful scenery. Viewing the Shanhaiguan Pass section of the Great Wall gives visitors a chance to understand the military power of ancient China. There are several tourist spots in this area such as the First Pass under Heavens. Because this was a defensive section of the Great Wall, builders constructed it with a stone base and a brick wall. Even today, this area is very strong. The nearby Great Wall Museum, which has a display of the history of the pass as well as military relics, is available for those desiring more information on the area. It is interesting to note that the Chinese had several methods of defending their wall. Some sections of theShow MoreRelatedThe Great Wall Of China1196 Words   |  5 Pagesincludes modules of ________ so you can see the construction of _____ Today I am going to be presenting the Great Wall of China and what political and military reasons it was built for. The construction was a feat of great magnitude and reflected the innovations and technological advancements of the Ancient Chinese. The reason I have decided to focus upon the Ancient Chinese is because I find China a very interesting civilisation. The ancient Chinese civilisation began 7,000 to 8,000 years ago and aboutRead MoreThe Great Wall Of China1123 Words   |  5 Pagesthe Great Wall] demonstrates the manifestation of the wisdom and tenacity of the Chinese people.†( China is considered one of the world’s oldest civilizations with the first dynasty beginning in 221 B.C.. A famous icon of this great civilization is the Great Wall of China, or known to the Chinese as Wan Li Chang Cheng. During the Warring States period, many feudal societies built their own sections for security. Eventually the walls were connected and there was a unified China. WithRead MoreThe Great Wall Of China1266 Words   |  6 Pages The Great Wall of China James Allen World History 1st period February 1, 2015 The first unified Chinese empire was formed in 221 B.C., that was when seven states were brought together by Shi Huangdi, a conqueror from the state of Qin. 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With the Zhengtong Emperor led the organization of collective effort of the people, the resul t is 8851.8 kilometers of defense wall, with combined of previous built great wall is 21,196 kilometers, becomingRead MoreEssay on The Great Wall of China1270 Words   |  6 PagesThe Great Wall of China is one of the greatest architectural achievements ever recorded in history. The Great Wall translates to â€Å"long fortress.† The wall was made entirely by hand. It was built to protect the Chinese from intruders from different Nomadic Tribes. The wall is about 5,500 miles long. The wall did not stretch across all of China but it stretched from Shanhaiguan in the East to Lop Nur in the West. Some people say that you can even see the wall from the moon! Wouldn’t that be somethingRead More The Great Wall of China Essay2903 Words   |  12 PagesThe Great Wall of China To the northwest and north of Beijing, a huge, serrated wall zigzags its way to the east and west along the undulating mountains. 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